Here it Goes Again

Well we survived! We got up with our alarms, got dressed before the baby got up. Fed her, and all were out the door before 8am. I know that may sound silly, but definitely not something we've been used to. (I know... all of you that do this every day are welcome to groan now...) Sarah seemed to adjust to daycare mostly well. I didn't officially shed a tear (though a couple tried to escape), so hopefully it will continue to get easier. Right now she is one of only two full time children at her day care and the other girl left quite a bit earlier than she did today. The only thing I don't really like about the day care is that it's so much further from my job than I would like. The only little issue we had was that she was being extra finicky eating. She's normally not consistent in her eating, but was extra bad today. She only had a couple of ounces at her morning feeding, but shortly after lunchtime, guzzled down a bottle and was...