
Showing posts from September, 2014

Trust and Obey

I've always wanted to keep this blog a place of honesty and transparency... So I'm going to be honest - this past week has be rough.  Jim was out of town for most of it, which left me on "full time mom, full time employee and full time baby incubator" mode which left little room for any time to really REST. This week we have also discovered the true meaning of what I'm sure people are trying to describe with the 'terrible twos'.  Most evenings have ended up in uncontrollable meltdowns.  We are at a loss.  It's like a mean game of 'figure out the puzzle', but if you don't figure out the puzzle quick enough then the tear factory will explode. In spite of this frustrating puzzle, God has been whispering lessons in my ear through all of it...  "Trust and obey."  Sounds pretty simple, right? Most of Sarah's meltdowns typically start because of one of two reasons. She is directly disobeying a command/directive. She wants to