
Showing posts from November, 2012

Lullaby (again...)

So, this is definitely a celebration post!  Hurray!  It's about time for a more upbeat mood in the Nally house. I went to my doctor last Wednesday, and honestly - it was just talking to someone and having someone tell me what I was doing for my child obviously wasn't working.  I mean, I KNEW we should start getting on a more specific schedule, but I was kind of waiting for it to naturally happen.  It definitely helps that she has a little boy that is just slightly younger than Sarah developmentally - so we're in the exact same boat with baby ages and such.  She and I worked through what was wrong with Sarah and what we could do to fix her schedule so she could be a happier baby... Honestly... probably a conversation my pediatrician should have had with me instead of my OB.  No matter, her getting a little stern with me and telling me that it was crazy how long I was letting her stay up - did the trick. We entered into what I like to call "nap time bootcamp" on

You Are My Sunshine

Happy 5 months to my little girl!  Ok... so it was 4 days ago, but I definitely have been working hard this week - so Sarah and I are taking a slightly leisurely morning before the madness of my weekend kicks in!  It's the big Nutcracker casting reveal weekend, so I'm busy finalizing schedules and packet contents - making copies, stuffing, sorting... Making sure everything is as accurate and informative as possible.  WHEW!  All for almost 200 kids.  It's a big job.  But it's my big annual fall puzzle that I absolutely love. Sarah and I went to the doctor on Halloween morning.  She now weighs 11 pounds 4 ounces!  My BIG girl!  She started rolling over a week or so ago, completely out of the blue.  I set her down for tummy time and was so impressed with how well she was pushing up, that I grabbed the camera.  So glad I did!  Within 20 seconds of starting a video, she had completely rolled over for the first time.  She did it several times and for several days afterwards