I Get To Be The One

My sweet Sarah, Today, you turn 2. I regularly think back to the day you were born. It was the day a dark cloud rolled in over our home and stayed for the next 7 weeks, as we both fought for our lives. As much as I wanted that beautiful, full term, glowing, all smiles delivery you see on TV, God gave me something so much more special. He gave me you, and your amazing testimony that day. You and I both walked through those dark valleys together with your daddy. We found God in those moments and continue to see Him every day as we remember back to that valley we came through. From the start you were a fighter. You had your own schedule. You were your own person. You were determined. You were aware. These same qualities still hold true today. It's amazing to watch you grow and, even more fascinating to see the ways you stay the same. Through every season of life your tenacity, confidence and courage shine thr...