When I'm With You

Well, folks. We've reached the third trimester. I am, admittedly, pretty on edge and constantly questioning every slight sensation, feeling, and pain. My doctor has been very encouraging of me to be hyper-sensitive to each symptom and discomfort. We have gone in for a couple unplanned check ups, one was after hours so it took place in the ER, which sounds way more scary than it really was. So far all the tests and labs are coming in clean and with excellent results. My doctor is very happy with where I am. We have started the two week check ups already! AND, we have scheduled the rest of my appointments, all the way past my due date. Hard to believe that we're already to this point. As Sarah would say, "I can't believe it!" (one of her new phrases!) This excites me, since I adore my doctor and love seeing her. My nesting instincts are kicking in pretty hard and I'm trying to get the kid's room ready get some color on ...