Forward Motion

I feel like I should now change the blog title, to Confessions of a Failed Supermom... HA! The last two weeks have been so incredibly humbling to me. I just CAN'T be everything that I want to be. It's just simply impossible. To be everything I want to be, I must 1) be a fully committed full-time mom. AND 2) be a fully committed workaholic. A few weeks ago at work we did a DiSC assessment. If you know anything about DiSC and want to know what my letter is, I'm actually at a dead tie between the S and C. I was a little indignant at first, because I had always felt like I associated better with the I, but the more I struggle with it, the more I realize my personality really isn't that. It may have been more so that way in college, but as I'm aging and settling into life, I'm definitely a STRONG C. C's thrive on quality control and perfection. My how that has been a huge issue for me these past few weeks. I can't tell...