
So, I've literally started and stopped writing this post for several weeks now. Being the perfectionist I am, and the intensely private person I can be (though you may not think so...) it's been a difficult subject for me to broach. I feel compelled to share the full story of our little family - so here goes. Since coming back to work, life has been moving a break-neck speed. Going here, going there, going everywhere! Sarah's been a road warrior with me, and such a trooper! The back and forth stresses us both out a little, but... for the time being - it is working. On top of the craziness of my schedule, I've been battling Post-Partum Depression. It's not a fun thing. It's not something people talk about. The doctor initially put me on some meds, which helped. I even came off them for a while when Sarah came home. But, once I started back to work - the dark cloud has come back with a vengeance. I'm tired. I'm...