Spring is Coming

Early March has a way of rattling my soul. This month always seems so unimportant - no major birthdays, no anniversaries - just the slow thaw that moves us closer to spring.

However, I always stop and reflect and listen this time of year...

Three years ago we lost our first child on the 2nd of March. What a traumatic day that was. We spent the first week or two recovering from surgery, mourning our loss, and celebrating his brief, but oh so special life. It was in this valley that a little voice began whispering in our ear... This is not your home. 

Later that year, we uprooted and moved to Franklin, TN. This is still one of the best decisions we ever made. Despite the hardships we have faced and the difficulties that come with being separated from your loved ones, it has truly shaped our direction and vision as a family. I truly believe that we wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for our little Isaiah Matthew. 

Two years ago we celebrated our soon-coming little girl. This was the exact same weekend that a year prior we were mourning. A true testament to seeing beauty come from ashes and the redemption that comes. What a joy it was to find out we were expecting our beautiful Sarah Katherine.  

Last year didn't hold much pomp and circumstance, however that little voice started whispering again... Time for another change. Prepare yourself. This past year has brought job changes, lay offs, joy, laughter and tears

This weekend we will spend our early March in a class we would have never dreamed of a year ago. This year we are again seeking and discerning the call God has put on our lives. And yet again, early March has brought that still small voice whispering of further direction, vision, and passion. 

I wonder where we will be next year at this time. It seems like God has continually brought me back to this time of year and I'm so grateful to have this time of year together with Him. 

Spring is coming... New things are on the horizon...  Are you listening? What is He whispering to you?
