A Life That's Good

It's with trembling excitement that I write these words... We are expecting our next child, due to join the world around January 6, 2015.

I know after our first experiences - with losing our first and then having a 7 week NICU journey with our second... Many people may think we're crazy. But this is something that we are so incredibly thrilled to be welcoming another child into our family. This has been on my heart for so long, and am so excited that God is leading us down this path again.

I am going to be much more mindful of diet and exercise this pregnancy, and definitely under the watchful care of the most wonderful doctor.  Nutrition really is the biggest key for me to have a healthy pregnancy.  Unfortunately in this first trimester, it's just a matter of what my stomach will handle and what will calm it down.  Plain pasta, mashed potatoes and 7up are the things that are most helpful.  As I start to feel better, I will definitely be more mindful over what is going into my body.

We went to the doctor in mid-May and saw our little "gummy bear" as he/she has been nicknamed so far.  Everything was healthy and looked great!  The doctor's first exclamation was "there's only one!!"  Despite not having twins run in our family, I have had an irrational fear of twins lately, so that was wonderful news!  (Not that twins aren't great - I just don't know if I could do it emotionally or carry them physically...)  I hadn't even mentioned the thought to her either.  :)  And almost within the same breath, she says, "and it's in the right place!"  What a relief.  I'm so blessed to have a doctor who anticipates exactly what I'm worried about and helps calm those fears immediately.  We were measuring about a week behind where we thought we were, but as the doctor explained, with how my body has been working - it's completely normal.  We got to see the tiny heart pulsing, but sadly was too tiny for us to hear this past visit.  We'll get to hear it hopefully in mid-June if baby cooperates!

After having one child, we know that it really does take a village to raise a child.  So how can you help, you may ask?
  1. Right now the biggest piece of the puzzle is prayer.  Pray for a healthy, full-term delivery.  If I make it to Christmas I will be a happy camper!  But how even more wonderful it would be to make it all the way to my due date.  I'm longing to have a normal, non-C-section delivery as well, so please be praying that my body will cooperate when the time comes.
  2. Hold me accountable.  If you're out eating with me, help me to make good meal choices - skip the Sprite and get water.  If I'm leaning towards pasta and fried foods, direct me to the grilled meat and healthy veggies.  Nutrition is a big key in all of this for me, and definitely one of my weaker points.  I won't be mad at you, I promise.  I just need help some days.
  3. Help us talk with Sarah about being a BIG SISTER!  She's very jealous of other babies with Momma right now and we could use all the good PR we can get about being a big sister!  
We value your love and support with us as we begin this exciting journey into parenthood - again!

Our first glimpse of the new peanut back in May.
