It's Time - Coming Home

I have a confession... I'm constantly afraid. I could list all the things I'm afraid of, but it honestly wouldn't be worth your time... (and not really the point of this message) So how do I cope with all this fear? Usually, I "turtle." I stay "safe" in my little bubble where no words or bodily harm can come to me. However, as I continue down this path of life - God is calling me out of my shell. Asking me to make some bold steps. To believe big dreams. To try something new. Last spring we felt very strongly that it was time for another little Nally. We have been beyond blessed with the arrival of Judah and I can't say enough how my heart has grown to love not one, but two children so fully. When we felt that nudge, I was afraid. Afraid we couldn't afford it. Afraid of the dynamic it might add. Afraid of the legitimate health concerns at hand. Instead God brought me through so many different verses and calmed my fearful heart. Be stron...