Happy! Spring has Sprung!

Spring is finally HERE! I am so HAPPY! Monday we reached a high of 80. That's EIGHTY degrees. I knew it was going to be a beautiful day, but boy the van was actually HOT when I got in that afternoon. Glory. For weeks now I have been wanting to create a Spring themed wreath. I have never actually had a spring wreath, and my empty hook on the front door has been begging for something since the Christmas wreath disappeared in early January. Unfortunately when you have a tight budget, things like decor take a back seat to pesky things like bills and food. This week, I FINALLY decided to make a wreath, and I'm super happy with out it turned out. This project took me about $10 for the materials and less than 5 minutes to assemble. How easy is that?? Here's a list of supplies and instructions if you want to make one yourself. Supplies (all from Hobby Lobby, make sure you go when floral stems are 50% off) 1 Natural Grapevine Wreat...