
Dreams are a funny thing. We have been in an in-between season for quite a while now. Ever since I became a stay at home mom in May 2015, I feel like I've been asking myself what I did or what value I had now that I wasn't contributing much financially to the family. I felt like I wasn't able to dream or plan or achieve. Back in April 2016 I had a "what if" idea... One of those ideas that seem way too crazy to even start. I put it on the back burner. In June again it came to mind, and this time had a little further definition. But again... it felt way too big for my little self. Back on the burner it went. Lately, we have been meeting a lot of new people and hearing a lot of stories. Getting deep and vulnerable with new friends. It's been invigorating, but I must say there was often a moment where people would ask me what my current dreams are... and I didn't have a great answer. Somehow the "pay my bills" dream doesn't really inspire. ...