Counting Stars

I have been hard on myself recently thinking that I should have written this update sooner, but then I take a breath and remember all the good moments of the last few weeks and am glad that I took time to REST. The last, well, month and a half has been a whirlwind of celebrating Judah's arrival with family and friends. We have had sickness and trials, but through it all, life has been FULL. Full of joy, full of moments to be thankful. Too many to really name. We have made it to the 36 week mark. This was not a date I ever dreamed of making it to when I first found out I was pregnant. I had this internal finish line of "if I make it to Thanksgiving, I'll be happy." Well we have made it to that point and don't have any signs of slowing down. We have scheduled our 'finish line' date of December 30th. If Judah doesn't make his arrival naturally by that date, we will do a C-section then. My name is on the OR schedule. That date ...