Heaven is the Face

Yesterday marked the first day that Jim went back to work since Sarah was born.  I know it was really tough for him to go while I'm still out and at home and with her in the hospital - but it was necessary.  Luckily it was a Thursday, so he has a couple days to ease into it before going for a full week.  We're also very thankful that my mom and sister could be here for this transition time when I'm still unable to do much and can't drive yet.

We came off the bili blanket yesterday!  While it was super stylish, it wasn't very comfy and Sarah was much more agitated with it on.  She was a much more calm little girl.  She still had the overhead light on so that means still more sunglasses time.  The nurse last night was optimistic that she'd come off them today though.  We'll have to find out when we go visit!

When we went up last night we were there for her weighing - she's up to 2lbs. 13oz and holding steady!  She's also up to 10ml a feeding - which doesn't sound like much but it is a HUGE jump from where we were just a few days ago.  Hopefully with the increased feedings and as she gets more stable, we'll just start gaining weight like it's our job.  The nurse last night called it the Biggest Loser in reverse... who can gain the fastest?  Being a fan of the show I found it pretty humorous.

We've also been encouraged by how she's started sucking on the pacifier they've given her.  They are talking about possibly starting to bottle feed between 32 and 34 weeks depending on her progress.  32 weeks would be NEXT WEEK.  My prayer is that she is allowed to start trying early and that she takes right to it.  Other than not eating on her own and her weight being low... She's a perfectly healthy little girl, and we want her home so badly!

Instead of a picture today, I have another video we took.  She was much more alert and held steady gazes last night.  I am in awe when I think about how early she is here and yet, how developed and how perfect she is.  It's truly a testament to God's grace.  While this is nothing I had planned, He knew all along and prepared her for this moment in time.  How my faith has deepened and how in love I am with her, her daddy, and my God.... It's all so much.  I'm overflowing with love and gratitude.


  1. Hey hun! This is Desirae from the August group. Your posts are so inspiring and wonderful to follow. Continued prayers for your beautiful family, esp little Sarah.

  2. Amanda - I love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing...your little Sarah is beautiful. Congratulations!


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